We are Always in Need of Supplies

See our Amazon Wish List

Taking care of the over 2,000 animals that come through our doors every single year, we are constantly in need of supplies to keep not only healthy but enriched and happy. It really is a team effort, and we know our great community will come through for us. If you follow the above link, you will find our Amazon Wish List, which we try to keep up to date with some of the items that we need to keep operations running smoothly, and our animals best cared for.

 Many animals come to us, and they are unhealthy and not fixed.  

Our goal is to send them home fixed and healthy.   The operational costs of ensuring the health and wellbeing of so many animals is large, and only growing every year. If you can donate we will find a way to put it to use through kennel, maintenance, operational, and medical/spay/neuter costs.

If you do prefer to donate items, please see our above WISH LIST to match with the items that will be most beneficial to meeting our ongoing needs.

Donate to Our General Fund


Grain Free Dog Food


Cat Condos
Non-Clumping Cat Litter
KMR Kitten Formula
Washable Cat Toys


Scrub Pads
Trash Bags-Tall Kitchen
Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent
Blue Dawn Dish soap
Paper Towels


Copy Paper (8 1/2 x 11)
File Folders (8 1/2 x 11)
Postage Stamps
Lint Rollers